Keep an overview of your shipping costs

Shipping analysis

StoreCockpit analyzes the shipping methods you offer according to income and costs. Uncover your customers' preferences by looking at orders and sales by shipping method. Compare your shipping prices to different countries - StoreCockpit business analyses makes it possible!

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Shipping costs and shipping methods are factors for your success

In contrast to stationary retail, shipping costs can be fundamentally decisive in e-commerce as to whether an item is profitable or not. For the customer, however, shipping costs are an important decision criterion about a possible purchase in your shop. Solving this conflict of goals in the best possible way is often difficult and requires a lot of tact and experience. How do shipping costs change over time and should you adjust your shipping prices accordingly? Use the detailed data from StoreCockpit's shipping analyzes to regularly check your shipping costs and change them if necessary. With StoreCockpit you can read out the key figures that are important to you at any time and make well-founded, data-based decisions.

The most important key figures that online retailers should analyze.

  • Income shipping costs
  • Expenditure shipping costs
  • Total sales per shipping method
  • Orders per shipping method
  • Overview shipping costs
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