Compare any period with the previous year

Year-To-Year analyzes

Whether quarter, Christmas business or simply the last eleven days - compare relevant key figures of any period with the same period of the previous year (period analysis). This will give you information on how your online business is developing successfully and sustainably.

Year to year Analysen
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Do not compare apples with pears

Business comparisons are often only meaningful if the same periods are compared with one another. For example, if you sell seasonal items, you should only compare relevant key figures such as sales, average order value, inventory, etc. with identical periods of time. StoreCockpit provides the possibility to do this in a simple manner. With the year-to-year analysis you can compare any period with the same period of the previous year.

The most important key figures of the year-to-year analysis should be analyzed.

  • Total sales
  • ∅ Sales/day
  • Ø Order value
  • Number of orders
  • Sales by customer group (Shopware)
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